I just got my new Archos G-mini for Christmas this year. Its a pretty sweet device as you may already know. Its got a 20 Gig HD, and a color screen capable of running video. Its not quie one of the portable media center devices Archos also makes, but its an mp3 player with just a taste of video capability. Its also got some games, which I enjoy playing while commuting. I just haven't figured out how to listen to an mp3 and play a game at the same time...it may not be a multitasking os.
So the other cool thing is that its got a built in mic and onboard audio editing program. I also got an external stereo mic for recording live music, and voice. I've been getting pretty hooked on the podcasting outbreak and thought I'd do a little something now that I've got a recording device (other than my computer).
I enjoy observing. Wandering around and watching the world around me. I enjoy live music. Unfortunately I don't get out to as much as I used to, but I still try as much as I can. I also like to travel. These are the things that I want to share with the blogosphere and whoever else finds it. I want to share my wanderings. I'm probably more likely to post them as audio recordings than type them out too often, so that's what I'm going to do. Here is my first...
Listen to Devan Wander! 
DevanWanders_01_01-10-05.mp3 [2.1mb (4:32) 64kbps]